Landlords: What You Should Be Doing Before The Eviction Moratorium Ends

Landlords: What You Should Be Doing Before The Eviction Moratorium Ends

Landlords often get a bad rap.  Especially during COVID.  Everyone sees landlords as these big businesses with endless supplies of money that could easily tolerate "rent vacations" but choose not to because they are "greedy".  It is often overlooked by the public that a large section of landlords are simply individuals with one to a simple handful of properties that they rent out to establish their own income.   Unlike individuals who work for someone else, landlords have on-going expenses.  Even if no one is currently renting a property, the landlord still must pay all of the expenses associated with the property.  Mortgage, taxes and maintenance being the most common.  COVID and the associated eviction moratorium has placed landlords in a very difficult position.  If they have a renter who refuses to pay rent, they have no way to evict them to get a paying renter in place.  This means that a landlord must now absorb all expenses associated with the property without any income coming in.  Landlords are one of the only businesses in the US that must give a product away for free and absorb the associated expenses during COVID, even when they are in the same financial crisis as everyone else. Although extended a couple of times already, the eviction moratorium is not permanent.  Here are the things you need to know and start doing now to re-establish your income stream as quickly as possible.  If you wait until the eviction moratorium ends, you may put yourself in an endless waiting game.


Get The Prep Work Accomplished Now

Just because you can't evict someone doesn't mean you can't prepare to do so.  Now is a good time to gather all documents associated with the current tenant.  This includes the lease agreement, payment history, maintenance history and any/all communications between you are the tenant.  Be thorough.  Take your time and search for everything.  The courts are going to have a massive backlog when the eviction moratorium ends. You do not want anything to delay you as a delay could mean months more of waiting without income.  Once you have all the documents in place, it is also a good time to get all of the required pre-eviction actions taken care of.  

Get all required notices such as default notices and notices to quit accomplished.  Do not wait, do it now.  Get all of it done so that you can file.  


File Now, Not When The Eviction Moratorium Ends

Once the eviction moratorium ends, the courts will suffer a severe backlog of eviction cases.  Everyone who assumed they have to wait until the eviction moratorium ends, will all be filing at the same time.  It is likely that their cases will be pushed out very far into the future simply because of the shear volume of cases.  This could mean you have to go even longer while carrying the expenses of the property without income.  To avoid this, file now.  The courts, for the most part, are accepting filings even though the eviction moratorium is currently in place.  If you want to be first in line(or at least not last), you should get the complaint accomplished and filed ASAP.  The earlier your file date, the earlier you hearing date. It is as simple as that.  If you wait for the tidal wave of eviction cases to be filed after the eviction moratorium is lifted, it is very possible you will experience more losses in revenue due to waiting in a sea of backlogged cases.  


The Eviction Moratorium Ends July 10, 2020 In PA

Currently, the eviction moratorium has been extended to July 10, 2020.  Most will find that this is not enough time to thoroughly prepare to evict a non-paying tenant without the assistance of an attorney.  Landlord-Tenant attorneys often pay for themselves, especially in a situation like this.  We know the process and can do it quickly and effectively.  This means that we can help ensure you have the ability to get a paying tenant in place as soon as possible.  Each month a non-paying renter is in place means an entire month's worth of revenue is lost.  We can help minimize and prevent these losses. 

If you would like assistance in getting your eviction case filed as soon as possible, give us a call to speak to our Landlord-Tenant attorney.  Our lead Landlord-Tenant attorney has over 25+ years of experience handling matters like these in numerous counties including Bucks, Berks, Montgomery, Delaware and Philadelphia county.  Consultations are free at Starks Law for anyone who is experiencing income loss due a tenant who unjustly refuses rent.  When you call, we can go over your legal matter and create an action plan tailored to your needs, situation and goals.