Nurses: The Impact of a DUI

Nurses: The Impact of a DUI

A DUI can affect everyone’s employment but if you have a professional license such as a Nurse special care needs to be taken to protect your license. By hiring an attorney that takes your nursing license into consideration you can get a better result.

Even if you receive ARD which results in an expungment you still must deal with the Board of Nursing. You will be presented the option by the Board of Nursing of participating in the Voluntary Recovery Program (VRP). One of the benefits of the VRP is once completed the matter is confidential and will not be visible on your professional record. The VRP is a rigorous program that can take up to three years and includes substance abuse evaluations, treatment and random screenings. If you decide to decline VRP the Nursing Board can move forward with a disciplinary action that would involve an evaluation by a doctor hired by the Nursing Board. If the results are unfavorable and the Board decides against you your license can be revoked.

Even if you decline VRP and submit the issue to the Nursing Board we can still help you negotiate a consent agreement with the Board. We can work out a consent agreement in which you agree to certain facts and agree to treatment and monitoring. But that type of agreement is not confidential like VRP.

By keeping in mind the requirements of your Nursing License from the beginning we can assist you in resolving your criminal case and at the same time do our best to protect your nursing license.